new website... again!

  • 5th Mar 2023
  • 2 min read
  • • 
  • Tags: 
  • meta
  • update

but.. why?

rebuilt my website again but this time based around the zols ca static site generator which allows me to write blogs easier also because it's written in Rust. originally i just wanted my website to look cool and then be a blog as a secondary thing but i think this redesign might stick.


i mayyy go back to the old redesign but that's a lot of effort to rewrite an entire theme from "scratch". i'm currently using archie-zola as the theme. i wanted to use terminimal but i already know someone that is using that theme and i don't want them to think i'm just copying off of them. also, i really like how this one actually shows the little header things in the blog post.

what's next?

i'm going to eventually add a projects tag to put both of my ongoing projects, tehda, a wofi replacement in Rust, and minne, a little todo application using a tui interface. tehda it has very basic functionality, you can search and run things, but we're working on adding a bunch including theming, different modes, etc. minne is currently my personal project. i made it because i wanted to have a todo list but i didn't like over overbearing taskwarrior looked and i just wanted something to be a little reminder without a ton of features. i also looked at todoist but it felt like wayyy too much.

update on

i'm planning on reworking this, dw. i'm still not sure if i want it to be only ascii art or if i want to expand it to just being collection of cool miku images. i might accept pull requests on the website's repository a little something like cat-milk/Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books except not with an intentionally bad naming scheme. i may also better integrate it with the main site instead of having it on it's own subdomain, maybe moving it to instead.

that's all for now, have a good day! :3